Monday, January 20, 2025
Social Media Marketing

Teenagers express themselves Instagram Facebook Progressively seen as a family app

It’s a very simple truth that most of us know. Their parents also get into it and then if a teen is into something, that thing wills drop as though it had the plague.

This pattern appears to be playing on media. Once a edgy and trendy place for teenagers to join, Twitter and Facebook are filled with parents and millennials. It appears that while these sites may be still used by teenagers, they are moving elsewhere to truly express themselves.

A new study from MediaCom suggests that Instagram is the place that UK teenagers visit ‘express their true selves’, follow their favourite stars or keep abreast of the newest trends.

When asked where they go to discuss images and photographs that they feel reveal who they really are, 40% reacted with Instagram and 35% said Snapchat. This compares to 21% for Facebook and 7 percent for Twitter.

100 respondents were asked by the research from each of the following age groups: 8 – 12, 13 — 16, and 17 – 19.

Instagram was, nevertheless, beaten out by Snapchat when it comes to haring ‘moments’. 44 percent of those surveyed would use Snapchat to this, compared to 36% who would choose Instagram.

“Social networking is a huge sea of chance for nearly anybody; singer, footballer, brand, and of course, your average 2017 teenager,” Josh Krichefski, CEO in MediaCom UK, said.

“Instagram particularly, once a photo-sharing app for amateur photographers, is now a powerhouse in social media. Teens are using the platform more than to follow celebrities, find the latest trends and most intriguingly, share videos and photos to show their ‘true selves’.”

Facebook is for family stuff.

Facebook appears to have a functional role for teenagers as a location where they can remain in contact. 58% of respondents stated that this was the situation, with this 41% to present a more ‘family-friendly’ image of these.

YouTube is the winner if it comes to following their favourite stars and idols. Of the teenagers surveyed, 70 percent of those over 13 subscribe to channels, 64% have talked regarding goods and 54% have purchased an product.

“What’s clear from the study too is that Facebook is no more king, together with Snapchat and Instagram showing continuing signs of expansion; although teenagers might be using Facebook regularly, it is something they would rather use to stay in contact with their family,” lasted Krichefski.

“However, if you want to follow the Kardashians, Taylor Swift or your favorite sneaker brand, it’s more probable that teens will turn to Instagram because of that. It’s therefore a great chance for advertisers and brands to capitalise on the continuing shift towards the ‘challenger’ social media firms and take advantage of their self-made influencers on digital platforms who are now amassing huge, formerly untapped audiences.”

You may contact the report here.